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Assigning Staff

For users to be assigned to, create, or edit a Case they must first be assigned to the Case Office. In order to assign staff to your Case Office you must have the role of Office Administrator.

To add someone to your Case Office navigate to the Case Office Administration page by selecting Case Work at the top of the page, then Case Office Administration from the tabs above and then the Staff icon in the left hand of the page.

To add existing users to this Case Office select the Assign Existing Users button, this will display the Select Users window. Select the checkbox beside the username you would like to add to your Case Office and click Submit to add these users.

To add a new user that doesn’t currently exist select the Create User Account button. This will display the Create User Account window for you to enter the new user’s information. This new user will be automatically assigned to the currently selected Case Office. For more information on user creation see the How To Create A User Account guide.

To remove specific users from your Case Office select each user in the the Staff table to be removed using the checkboxes on the left side of the table and select the Unassign Selected Users button. Alternatively you can simply click the x on the right side of the table for the corresponding user.