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Difference Between Contacts And Organizations

There are two types of contacts in foreAction: a contact and an organization. Contacts represent a person while organizations represent a business, union, community group, or other association of people. Both are very similar but there are a few differences you should be aware of.

Contacts contain more information than organizations and can be used in target groups for activities. When editing a contact you can enter their historical information, update their voter profile and attributes, and view their interactions within foreAction, this is not available for organizations.

Target groups are used to define who will be included in outreach activities. These activities are designed to communicate with people in your community, only contacts can be included in these target groups.

In addition to these differences, contacts and organizations can be related to one another. A contact can be associated with an organization and vice versa. This allows you to specify that a contact is a member of an organization, for example a member of a union. For more information about associating contacts to organizations see theĀ How To Edit A Contact guide.